Page name: I Love Kriz [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-10-27 21:06:36
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I Love Kriz

Other WIkis i have:

-Kriz' Piks
-Oreo.Lovers I LOVE MY OREO!!!Dont YOU?!

You say im Hot?Sexy?Cute?

wich im NOT!

You say u


You want to MARRY me?
or.......ur just MY FRIEND :D


Here's a Banner, ADD IT TO UR PAGE!!! :P
Url to it: **

Or This Banner for the ONLY FRIENDS



Please stop fighting for beeing the first on my list, that dosnt means anything


02-[Illusional mind]
05-[owell whatever nevermind]
07-[kai ri]
09-[Cute Deranged Psycho]
11-[Disconnect ..-Dots-..]
13-[Little Insane Cat]
14-[Rizzie and Bump]
15-[Obi-Wan's Padawan Learner]
17-[Miss Pinkki Doodles]
19-[Cute face wit a chubby waist]
20-[Grotesque Desire]
22-[~twilight falcon~]
26-[the loved wolf]
27-[Acomplished Exile]
28-["Mommy" -Yoyo's Mom^^]
29-[Lithium Lullaby]
30-[~* ZoDi4C *~]

Put The Damn MotherFuckig BAnner on Ur Damn Page Homies -.-

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2004-08-11 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Not so sure, actually. Just kno it's got something to do with my boobs :S

2004-08-11 [Fateless]: well, THAT'S CHEAP!!!

2004-08-11 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: ....aha....and please tell me then, what do you want? a thousand bucks? Come on, get over yourself

2004-08-11 [Acomplished Exile]: she is just jeoulous bunny, she wants a rub too...............................a wus?oklay..............ill see you tomorrow,see if im a wus

2004-08-12 [Fateless]: actually, i'm not that greedy and i'm not jealous...and i don't like it when people touch me especially guys!

2004-08-12 [the loved wolf]: hi guys...and girls

2004-08-12 [Acomplished Exile]: wa huuuuuuuuuuuuuu.........................pinkki tell all whta i did to you today in school miss.charming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!yey!!!!!!!!!!!!

2004-08-13 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: You suck. I'm gonna hit you with my cellie antena....AND IT'S GONNA HURT!!!

2004-08-13 [Fateless]: hit him as hard as you can!! leave a bruise!!!!

2004-08-13 [the loved wolf]: lol

2004-08-13 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: I didn't see him today. I'll get him on monday

2004-08-13 [Acomplished Exile]: lmao...................that anthena sucks, it demonstrates your type of sorry ass^^----ill do it again on monday then............and pelase dotn tell your friend to hit me again, i thoguht you dai you alone could kick my ass

2004-08-13 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Fine, I'll hit you in the face with it. See if it sucks. My ass is just dandy, so leave it alone. Do it again on monday, I'll send Franchi to castrate you. Why waste my time hitting you when Franchie can show her love for me and do it?

2004-08-13 [Acomplished Exile]: lmao..................................I thoguht you iz more than are jsut a hot sorry bitch^^------------im doing it again,its a promese, beware

2004-08-13 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: I'll bite you.

2004-08-14 [Acomplished Exile]: ruf ruf!

2004-08-14 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: o.O

2004-08-14 [Acomplished Exile]: O><O

2004-08-14 [Fateless]: please, would you hit for me?

2004-08-14 [Lithium Lullaby]: hello all

2004-08-14 [Fateless]: hola, como estas?

2004-08-14 [Lithium Lullaby]: bien gracias. Y tu?

2004-08-14 [Fateless]: i don't know any more spanish...but i'm good...

2004-08-14 [Lithium Lullaby]: lol what did I miss?

2004-08-14 [Fateless]: just as much as me! i's been crazy though

2004-08-14 [Lithium Lullaby]: yeah...looks like it was

2004-08-14 [Fateless]: yup....

2004-08-14 [Lithium Lullaby]: so what have you been up to

2004-08-14 [Fateless]: not much...getting forced to watch the olympic openings...quite boring actually

2004-08-14 [Lithium Lullaby]: I'm not watching it...for some reason I have never been interested

2004-08-14 [Fateless]: me niether, but my mom forces me to sit and watch...

2004-08-14 [Lithium Lullaby]: my parents don't care what I do so I don't have to watch it if I dont want to

2004-08-14 [Fateless]: my parents usually don't...except when it comes time for the olympics!

2004-08-14 [Lithium Lullaby]: my parents watch them but I'm usually too busy with the many things I have to do

2004-08-14 [Fateless]: parents are just stupid and make me....

2004-08-14 [Lithium Lullaby]: lol I'm glad my parents don't

2004-08-14 [Fateless]: you're lucky! out everybody i know, my parents are the only ones that force their kids to do something...

2004-08-14 [Lithium Lullaby]: lol my parents force me to do lots of stuff just not watch TV

2004-08-14 [Fateless]: it's opposite w/ me

2004-08-14 [Lithium Lullaby]: lol I couldn't handle that

2004-08-14 [Fateless]: it's hard...that's why i run away so much!

2004-08-14 [Lithium Lullaby]: I wouldn't run away but I'd argue alot

2004-08-14 [Fateless]: then my dad would beat me!

2004-08-14 [Lithium Lullaby]: aaaahhhh I'd get beat for running

2004-08-14 [Fateless]: they know where i go and that i'm i don't get beat for that

2004-08-14 [Lithium Lullaby]: oooh okay

2004-08-14 [Fateless]: mmhmm....ok you know what's really scary?! this girl i know who i haven't talked to since i was in like 5th grade is here! on elftown talking to me!!! we haven't talked forever!

2004-08-14 [Lithium Lullaby]: really...I'm just talking to my boyfriend and this really hot guy friend of mine

2004-08-14 [Fateless]: you're lucky...none of my guy friends are on...none of my friends are on....

2004-08-14 [Lithium Lullaby]: <img:> hehe my boyfriend

2004-08-14 [Fateless]: ...hmm...nice jacket!

2004-08-14 [Lithium Lullaby]: yeah and he wears it well

2004-08-14 [Fateless]: indeed he does!

2004-08-14 [Lithium Lullaby]: I love that guitar too

2004-08-14 [Fateless]: yeah, i'll bet! i like guitars friends play...alot!

2004-08-14 [Lithium Lullaby]: I play a little...he is the guitar player I'm not

2004-08-14 [Fateless]: no matter how many times they show me how...i can't remember!! so, they've dubbed the useless roadie!

2004-08-14 [Lithium Lullaby]: yeah same here...I'd rather sing and I'm good at it ^^

2004-08-14 [Fateless]: me too, but other than, i'm useless to them!!

2004-08-14 [Lithium Lullaby]: yeah I can play drums and keyboard but that's it

2004-08-14 [Fateless]: i can't really play anything but piano...i'm not coordinated enough! well...i also am their food girl! but not many uses for me...well i gotta go, i guess i'll talk to you later.

2004-08-14 [Acomplished Exile]: I can play bolita y ollo ;)

2004-08-14 [Black Monkee Mutation]: LOL!!!!!! xD

2004-08-15 [Fateless]: .......what's dat?

2004-08-15 [blinx4436]: hello

2004-08-15 [Acomplished Exile]: sex?

2004-08-15 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: YOU MEAN: bolita y mano^^

2004-08-15 [Acomplished Exile]: y oyo y mano pa ti, fresca!^^

2004-08-15 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: aha, suuure

2004-08-15 [Black Monkee Mutation]: xD

2004-08-15 [Lithium Lullaby]: lol you guys are crazy

2004-08-15 [Acomplished Exile]: kudos to us who see thru sickness

2004-08-15 [Black Monkee Mutation]: lol


Missing: </h1>

2004-08-15 [Lithium Lullaby]: lol

2004-08-15 [Acomplished Exile]: tell em off brother!!!!!!!!!!mamabichos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!take that usa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!keep your ego trip going now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!wa huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

2004-08-16 [Manic Episode]: *climbs in the window*

2004-08-16 [Tyla!]: *Follow Manic* Hello all!

2004-08-16 [Manic Episode]: hm.....maybe no ones here...

2004-08-16 [forbidden]: Hey howdy Yall!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2004-08-16 [A Jealousy Issue]: * climbs after and trips and falls on the floor* oops knida new to this

2004-08-16 [Manic Episode]: oh well...*spray paints fight club on the walls*

2004-08-16 [Tyla!]: hmmm guess not... *sprays Fight Club on the wall in red* much better.

2004-08-16 [A Jealousy Issue]: looks at the newly drawn


2004-08-16 [forbidden]: haha...we need to make 'em a new door... like ours...

2004-08-16 [Tyla!]: *looks at manic, smiles and smashes all the windows*

2004-08-16 [Manic Episode]:


2004-08-16 [forbidden]: YEAH SPACEMONKEYS KICK ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Dose a cart wheele*

2004-08-16 [Manic Episode]:


2004-08-16 [forbidden]: *falls on the floor laughing*!!!!!!!!!!!!  Woot Woot *jumps in the rafters and spray paints Fight Club on the ceiling*

2004-08-16 [Manic Episode]: *goes out to the car and comes in dragging a trash bag*

2004-08-16 [forbidden]: *jumps down* I feel better now...

2004-08-16 [A Jealousy Issue]:

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TO ALL YOU GIRLS THAT LOVE KRIZ... HES GAY, HATE TO BREAK IT TO YA~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

2004-08-16 [Manic Episode]: you have a knife tub? I dont want to rip this with my hands...

2004-08-16 [forbidden]: ooo buddy...damn that reeks what is it?

2004-08-16 [Tyla!]: hey manic, whats in the bag?

2004-08-16 [Tyla!]: *pulls out serated pocket knife* here you go

2004-08-16 [Manic Episode]: hahahahahaha...I'll use this paper clip I guess. outta the way guys!!!!!!!!!!!

2004-08-16 [Manic Episode]: ooooo, *takes the knife* thanks

2004-08-16 [forbidden]: *gladly moves outta the way and covers her mouth and nose with her shirt*

2004-08-16 [Manic Episode]: *makes sure everyone is out of the way, then cuts it open....out spills gallons of sewage*

2004-08-16 [Manic Episode]: muahahahahahahhahahha

2004-08-16 [forbidden]: OOOO SHIT I THINK IM GUNNA BE SICK!!!

2004-08-16 [A Jealousy Issue]: eww

2004-08-16 [Tyla!]: *big grin*oh man that is repulsive! get some over here

2004-08-16 [forbidden]: haha...ok what next or is that it?

2004-08-16 [Manic Episode]: hey go get the other one aout of the trunk. its got puke in it.

2004-08-16 [forbidden]: Damn girl...*spray paints random lines on the wall*

2004-08-16 [Tyla!]: nice... *runs out to the trunk and carries the bag in* well... this is from all the members that have puked in Fight Club... we like to call it, our little gift.

2004-08-16 [Manic Episode]:


2004-08-16 [Manic Episode]: ah yes tubring. let er rip!

2004-08-16 [forbidden]: haha...ok after this one im leaving cause tha smell is gettin to me...

2004-08-16 [Tyla!]: *takes the knife and cuts it right down the middle* man that is rank, hope you guys enjoy! *hops out the window*

2004-08-16 [Manic Episode]: *follows*

2004-08-16 [forbidden]: *hopes out the window after Tub...* Hope you like the present!!!!!!!

2004-08-16 [A Jealousy Issue]: * follows last* peace bitches

2004-08-16 [Black Monkee Mutation]: new bitches in town, fukin idiots xD


ya'll soooooooooooooo suck YOU STUPID BIG Idiotik Total Chit Head, fuck you homie, damn u must have fell when u were little, stupid retarded shitbrain fuck, guess its not ur fault ur so dumb then huh,

2004-08-16 [Black Monkee Mutation]: go suck ur spacemonkeys bananas somewhere else u punkass wanna be bitch

2004-08-16 [Fateless]: ......*blinks* i was rootin for puerto rico....usa sucks this year

2004-08-16 [the loved wolf]: hi all

2004-08-16 [Lithium Lullaby]: go away Phyness...and I agree USA does suck this year

2004-08-17 [Tyla!]: *pops head in window* did you mean idiotic?

2004-08-17 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: HEY!! LOOK AT WHAT SHE SAID!!! KICK HER!!!

2004-08-17 [Lithium Lullaby]: lol why???

2004-08-17 [Acomplished Exile]: who gives a fuck its a stupid basketball game and we lost today anyways

2004-08-18 [triad]: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^hypocritical dont you think?^^^^^^^^^^^^

2004-08-18 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: IT DOESN'T MATTER!! WE BEAT USA!!! WE CRUSHED THEIR OVER INFLATED EGOS!!! ja ja...Como dice en el colegio: El 'dream team' tuvo una pesadilla puertorriquena >.<

2004-08-18 [triad]: but we lsot to lithuania, we should have wonn and proven the world we are thee real deal...

2004-08-18 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Damn it

2004-08-18 [triad]: tsk tsk...they were too trusted

2004-08-18 [Acomplished Exile]: bullshit................chiveros

2004-08-18 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Andres, why don't you just move to USA? They'll like you there.

2004-08-18 [Acomplished Exile]: lmaooooooooo generalises..........................anyway gimme the money and ill fuckign visit it atleast

2004-08-18 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: no generalises?

2004-08-18 [Fateless]: i think that the usa team should just forfeit all the games cuz they're crap this year...and i'm done talking about them! time for a new subject...

2004-08-18 [the loved wolf]: oh wow

2004-08-18 [Lithium Lullaby]: I agree with fateless

2004-08-18 [triad]: yeah they need Jermaine Oneal in there...

2004-08-18 [Acomplished Exile]: tracy macgrady

2004-08-18 [Acomplished Exile]: veronica got her ass kicked today in school

2004-08-19 [blinx4436]: hello

2004-08-19 [Fateless]: awesome!! who kicked her?????

2004-08-19 [triad]:

2004-08-19 [Black Monkee Mutation]: LOL her ass kiked by who? xD

2004-08-19 [Acomplished Exile]: this service man

2004-08-19 [Fateless]: hahahaaa!!! ...what's no, cycle??

2004-08-20 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Kicked my ass? Bullshit. I pinched your neck and you ran away like a lil baby. All you do is talk talk talk. Shut up, man. AND STOP EFFING TRYING TO LIFT ME UP!!!

2004-08-20 [Acomplished Exile]: roflmaoooooooooooo hahahahaha......................she could've killed me, what if she grabbed my vein?oh god.........

2004-08-20 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: You would've made me happy^^

2004-08-20 [Acomplished Exile]: lol.............I will stop with the annoyance for now, ill act maturely, like a 10 grader teaching a 9th grader

2004-08-20 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Teaching me what? How be an asshole? (Bitch in my case) Newsflash. I have that down to an art. But thankiu for your offer.

2004-08-20 [Acomplished Exile]: roflmao..........bitchy fits you hard, you have hot look on your face ^^

2004-08-20 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Fits me "hard"....oohhh...sounds kinki.... Leave me alone, do you really have to remind me everyday how ugly I am?

2004-08-20 [Acomplished Exile]: hahahahahahhahaha. okay

2004-08-20 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: bunshole

2004-08-20 [Lithium Lullaby]: hey guess what...USA is in the lead for the olimpics right now

2004-08-20 [Fateless]: guys act like a married couple...

2004-08-20 [the loved wolf]: lol

2004-08-20 [beautiful _ darkness]: who acts like a married couple

2004-08-20 [Lithium Lullaby]: me and Kurus

2004-08-20 [Fateless]: no i was thinking more like pinkki and deveel

2004-08-21 [triad]: o.O...they dont really love each other...

2004-08-21 [Fateless]: not all married couples do!

2004-08-21 [Acomplished Exile]: i hate that playbunny bastard, she is a horny bitch

2004-08-21 [Fateless]: and you love it!!

2004-08-21 [beautiful _ darkness]: o.O *runs and hides in a corner*

2004-08-21 [Fateless]: ...are you scared?

2004-08-21 [Acomplished Exile]: dotn be scared, we have sex indoors

2004-08-21 [Lithium Lullaby]: Hmmmm

2004-08-21 [the loved wolf]: hahahaha oh wow

2004-08-21 [Acomplished Exile]: lmao usa lost today yet again................what is wrong with you ppl?

2004-08-21 [the loved wolf]: nuthin

2004-08-21 [Acomplished Exile]: lmao, were cna i get a pic of you?

2004-08-22 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: We act like a married couple? Don't you mean we loathe each other?

2004-08-22 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: wtf? Did you just call me a bastard?

2004-08-22 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Dude! Who won? Lithuania o USA? Lithuania?

2004-08-22 [beautiful _ darkness]: yes me very scared you guys scare me *cringes in corner*.... and usa got 2nd in swimming

2004-08-22 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: *tip toes to corner and whispers* i do believe in fairies, i do i do

2004-08-22 [Acomplished Exile]: hahahaa, yeah ian crocker and michael phelps rule! i was kidding pinkki................we all knwo who the bastard here is *looks at corner*

2004-08-22 [beautiful _ darkness]: *whispers back* so do i but i also see purple and black swirly people but shhhhh..... and deveel i hope your not calling me a bastard

2004-08-22 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Phelps es un canto de griton mano. Lo viste ahora?

2004-08-22 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: *sits besides you* ignore him, he seems to think corner means mirror

2004-08-22 [Acomplished Exile]: clever clever pinkki..................i was jsut kidding, nobody here is a bastard and agod damn pinkki you cant see or say one good thing about americans cant you? you are truly an example of arrogance, at its best.

2004-08-22 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: y que dije ahora? que phelps es un griton? so? emmelis tambien...y decir que el es un griton no es decir que usa hizo algo malo. Y no es arrogancia canto de idiota. Ademas, lo que tu dices que yo soy, tu eres lo mismo, al reves. Piensas que realista es favorar al menos favorado, apoyar lo menos apoyado. Una estupidez.

2004-08-22 [Acomplished Exile]: nono, no such thign as realisim...........we are all biased

2004-08-22 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Now you say that

2004-08-22 [Acomplished Exile]: lol, its true

2004-08-22 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: That wasn't the point

2004-08-22 [Acomplished Exile]: i know, i spun off topic to save my arse, i was about to get creamed.

2004-08-23 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: You coward

2004-08-23 [Acomplished Exile]: I know, its like living with my self is like living with dead.

2004-08-23 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: ...No te quedo

2004-08-23 [Acomplished Exile]: >.<???????????no lo entendiste tu. no ees por nada pero ese te quedo bnnnnnnnnnnnn prepi^^

2004-08-23 [beautiful _ darkness]: wow that is confusing... and i dislike alot of americans but i live in america so wat can i say

2004-08-23 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Vuelve a decirme preppie...YOU'LL PAY!!!!!

2004-08-23 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Yeah, dude, I dig. Ha ha. CEPT I don't live in the US, but I do mostly tune into your stuffs...

2004-08-23 [beautiful _ darkness]: i hate it why im gonna get out of here as soon as possible

2004-08-23 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: ^^Yey! I big you good luck :D

2004-08-23 [beautiful _ darkness]: thanks much... ill probally end up living in asia somewhere

2004-08-23 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: I wanna go to Spain, HOPEFULLY I'll get it as a bday gift.....Any region in particular?

2004-08-23 [beautiful _ darkness]: china probally or india but i settal for anything really

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